About Us

About Us

In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

With God's guidance and grace, I undertook the development of the Cellular Balancing Institute of Vadelayman Ali in Austria in 2000. This project was to correct the cellular structure of living organisms. In the same year, I registered portions of the plan, including its metal structure, in the Austrian patent office.


I immediately prepared the executive branch of the project, and its implementation began in several countries.

Installation process patent document

The assembled plan was finished in Austria in 2002, and the project was complete and ready for implementation.

Plan completion

In the first stage, we made great efforts to gain the Cancer Research Center of Austria's collaboration and started working on cancerous and healthy cells. We were given the first line of sample cells that included two groups - one as control and the other as targeting samples - both were of HELA cancer type.

Cancer research process

We returned both samples to the cancer center after a four-hour operation, and Professor Cherni, one of the senior officials of the center, received the cells to assess the results of the operation.

Cell study

After studying the sample cells, she was surprised and announced that some of the cells were completely apoptotic, i.e., those cells underwent programmed cell death or cell suicide.

Experiment on cancerous cells

We immediately performed the same experiment on other types of cancerous cells, and the results were almost the same.

In the next stage, healthy cells, both human and animal, were tested to learn about the reaction of healthy cells to our center's operations. The operation results showed little cellular stress in some cases and cellular freshness in other cases without any side effects.

Cell experiment

After gaining complete confidence in the safety of this procedure on healthy cells, the first phase of experiments on animals began. The first animal was a dog that also had advanced prostate cancer and sarcoma glands in its leg. Pathology examination The dog was in a very bad condition. During the four hours of operation, the sarcoma tumor in the dog's legs started to change, enlarging and contracting. Pathology examination The tumor stiffened and loosened for two weeks after the operation. When it didn't change anymore, the veterinarian took the tumor out and sent it to the pathology department.

The result was very strange to him: No cancer cells were observed.

Pathology examination

We then entered the human phase of the research. Patients who had no chance of continuing their lives under classic treatments were treated with our method. This was a very difficult and complicated task because we had to boost cellular operations to suit different patients, each with his specific diagnosed medical treatment. We began with a two-stage operation, with each stage involving two cellular operations. Today, we offer three million billion cellular operations.

In today's meeting, we have some cancer patients who were completely cured three years ago with one thousand operations, as well as patients who have been recently treated with three million billion cellular operations. Our treatment method is new and unique. Today, for the first time, I will describe its basics in five parts for the audience.

What is quite important is that new subjects about basic activities of healthy and unhealthy cells are presented for the first time, and all except one are the outcomes of our own center's research and have not been copied.

Regarding the reference, we were forced to use Professor Taynew's measurements from Washington's Cheni University because our measurement charts were not ready. In the meantime, we approve the main issue, but we do not confirm or deny the accuracy of those measurements.

The accurate measurements of cellular vibration and its organs, as well as the living organism and its organs, are possible in a special atmosphere free of energy and with modern, precise equipment, which Professor Taynew did not have at the time. Our center has provided such an accurate facility. We hope to provide academic centers with a comprehensive and accurate table of the vibration of a cell and its organs, as well as the vibration of a living organism and its organs.

Ali Alishahi, 2009

Researcher and Founder of Vadelayman Ali Scientific Institute of Cellular Balance, Austria

The articles and videos on this site are from 2009 and based on our research, all of Professor Tainio's measurements were wrong. Human frequency ranges is from 730 MHz to 2500 MHz.
Ali Alishahi (2024)

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